Family Time and A New Baby

On Tuesday, Robyn and I drove to Palm Coast to visit my family. With the way my schedule comes in from work, and with my parents owning their own business, we had planned our visit a few weeks in advance and were really looking forward to seeing everyone! We knew this was going to be our last visit while Robyn was pregnant.

Despite multiple visits with my family during our pregnancy, nobody has gotten to feel Sprout move yet. Sprout has their super active ninja days, and then their sleepier days. We always seem to visit with my parents and sister on Sprout’s sleepy days – except for this week! I was so happy that I brought my (new) camera along with me and was able to capture these first (and also last) moments.

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It’s kinda crazy to think that the next time we see my family, I’ll be snapping photos of everyone holding our baby.

Robyn is 38 weeks today.

I can just feel that baby in my arms. Robyn says she feels like the baby is starting to lighten, or drop. Sprout is still in the ideal birth position as well, and our midwives don’t do unnecessary checks for dilation at this stage in the game – so nothing to report there.

In other news, Robyn’s cousin just gave birth yesterday to a beautiful, healthy baby! We were so excited to hear the news! (Congratulations, y’all!) She was due 5 days before Robyn, and every expectant person we know has officially had their child. We are just a-waiting over here for our turn now!


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